Kelvin Guevara
Kelvin Guevara
Wizical LLC
Chief Executive Officer
New Rochelle, NY 10805
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About Kelvin Guevara
Hi! I'm Kelvin, CEO at Wizical. It's a great Location Search Tool that will help you find what's going on in your local area every day, by the hour. Never again, will you ask, "So what's going on today?" Search through our Venues to see if you find your favorite local hang-out, our Icons to keep up with great music groups, spokespeople, and other well-known public figures.
If you happen to be on the organized and the far thinking side, search by Date to plan your days, evenings, and nights. And If you want to tour an entire county of Venus Events, click the Geo Search button when you want to broaden your entertainment. Profiles for those who host Events, will always be free, and if you want go a little further, check out our Unlimited Advertising Center from our Business Solutions page. Wizical is designed for all ages to find something to do, so I hope you enjoy the site and and come back soon! Thanks!
-Kelvin Guevara, Wizical, CEO.